Jerry Smith Artist

Landscape paintings inspired by
views from around the British Isles


All available prints are made from digital scans or high quality photos of the original artwork.


They are printed on premium semi-gloss heavy weight photo paper with EPSON UltraChrome Hi-Gloss™ pigment inks for extra durability and lightfastness.

Finished prints are window-mounted with a bevel cutter and backed with a 1.5mm thickness white mount board using acid-free tape hinges.

Each mounted print is labelled on the back with the title of the artwork and wrapped in a transparent polypropylene bag for protection.

Ready to frame prints cost £30.00 in a standard mount size of 16x12 inches.

Ready-made frames are available from most hardware shops and craft stores but it's recommended that you consult your local picture framing shop for a better choice and quality of frame.

Larger sizes are also available for some paintings. A large print in a 24x20 inch mount costs £60.00.